
Rule of the chat room:

This chat room will be connected automatically on the following schedules, and it will be hosted by the specialists, welcome to join the discussion. It will be closed during other hours! Please come and join on time, Thank you!

  1. In order to conserve the system resources, if idled more than 15 minutes, the system will automatically kick it off
  2. Please chat with others with consideration and respect
  3. The chatting subject is set by the team leader each day
  4. Ready to start, ready to end, if there is unfinished business, all shall be continued next time
  5. The website is in the public domain, all discussion shall be responsible
  6. Private information such as telephone, address shall not be discussed on the web to prevent others from using
  7. Please give a serious thought about the invitation coming from the web pal, do not respond immediately or go along to avoid danger
Chat room activity schedule for 05 , 06
Chat room record
No activity right now

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